Privacy Policy
The following policy is how Barrett Consulting Group and/or Sales Essentials Pty Ltd will use and manage personal information provided to or collected by Barrett Consulting Group and/or Sales Essentials Pty Ltd. This document will be available on request and is accessible on our web site.
This Policy will be reviewed and updated as required.
Personal information will be collected as part of the assessment testing, training and recruitment processes. It may include name, contact information, details of assessment tests, career history and performance. Information will be collected directly from the individual concerned where possible. In all cases, we will ensure that we collect only accurate, complete, up-to date and relevant information.
When we obtain information directly from an individual, we will advise them of the reason for which this information is being collected, to whom the information will be given and how they may access their data and whether a charge will apply.
We may also collect personal information from a third party. This can happen when assessment tests are sent to us for processing and feedback, as part of a recruitment process where reference checking is required, or as part of training where performance data may be compiled.
Where the assessment is completed away from our premises, the person or company conducting the test will need to obtain the individual's consent that:
- they have been advised of the reason for which this information is being collected,
- to whom the information will be given
- how they may access their data, and
- charges that may apply.
Sensitive information (such as health issues, trade union/association memberships, racial origin, criminal record) will only be collected if relevant and will be subject to the agreement of the individual.
If consent for obtaining any of the above information is not given, then provision of our services may be restricted.
Use and disclosure
We will only use and disclose personal information about an individual for the intended or related purpose, unless it is considered the information may be relevant to the safety or health of the individual or for law related purposes.
Data security
All personal information will be stored securely and only authorised personnel will be allowed access.
Personal information will be destroyed or permanently de-identified when no longer needed for any purpose for which the information was intended or for any legal holding periods.
Access and correction
Individuals may access their information by contacting our office as follows:
Privacy Officer, Barrett Consulting Group Pty Ltd, PO Box 277, Caulfield South Vic 3162.
Privacy Officer, Sales Essentials Pty Ltd, PO Box 277, Caulfield South Vic 3162.
Request information via our contact form
Where information is requested, we will take reasonable steps to let the individual know the type of personal information it holds, for what purposes, and how it collects, holds, uses and discloses that information. Access may be denied if it would pose life threatening, would prejudice any legal process or business negotiations, or affect the privacy of other individuals.
Charges may apply for the provision of information, particularly where feedback to interpret assessment results is required.
Information about an individual will be corrected where possible if the individual is able to establish that the information is not accurate, complete and up-to-date. Failing agreement on this between the individual and our company, a statement from the individual will be associated with the information.
We will provide reasons for denial of access or a refusal to correct personal information.
Transborder data flows
Barrett Consulting Group and/or Sales Essentials Pty Ltd may transfer personal information to a person or company in a foreign country if the transfer is deemed necessary and related to the purpose for which the information was collected, for example, the client requesting the information is located overseas, or assessment data needs to be processed by an international supplier. Any overseas parties will be advised of correct handling procedures consistent with the National Privacy Principles.
Email Marketing policy
Barrett Consulting Group and/or Sales Essentials Pty Ltd uses openly accessible resources i.e. yellow pages, directories (web based, ldap and others), company websites, business cards, white pages etc. to gain access to information like company names, contact names, business type, telephone numbers and email addresses. These contact details are used in order to start a new business relationship via telephone (initial) calls and/or sending of (initial) email.
When we send emails to people, as part of a marketing campaign, we first ask whether that person would like to receive further information before we do so. This is similar to that what would be done during a telephone conversation.
Further we try to target companies and contacts which are in the field of human resources, recruiting and any other related fields which would benefit and would have a use our products and services.
Email is a legitimate business tool provided that it is used appropriately. However, appropriateness can be a very individual feeling and that is why we ask people to opt in rather than opt out. At Barrett Consulting Group and/or Sales Essentials Pty Ltd we use email to communicate with people in a business like manner and to initiate a new business relationship. We pre-qualify our email lists wherever possible.
At Barrett Consulting Group and/or Sales Essentials Pty Ltd we do not like spam. If you feel that you received spam from us please complete our contact form to notify us.All acquired personal contact details are kept confidential, see disclosure and datasecurity above.
We follow the guidelines set out by ACMA Consumer Information, specifically ACMA Consumer Information: SPAM.
If you do not like to receive (advertising/promotional) emails please use our contact form to notify us that you do not wish to be contacted via email.
Cookies are small pieces of text data that a web server can store on, and later retrieve from, a user's computer. They do not personally identify you, but do identify your browser. Cookies can be either persistent or session based. Persistent cookies are stored on your computer, contain an expiration date, and may be used to track your browsing behaviour upon return to the issuing web site. Session cookies are short-lived, are used only during a browsing session, and expire when you shut down your browser.
The BARRETT websites and Sales Essentials Websites use persistent cookies. They record your preferences in relation to your use of the site and provide us with other information about your enquiry that allows us to recognise your browser if you return to the BARRETT website in the future. This enables the BARRETT to present information that may be most relevant to you based on your previous visits. They also assist the BARRETT to understand what parts of the site users find the most useful and improve the effectiveness of the website.
The cookies on the BARRETT and/or Sales Essentials sites do not read the information on your hard drive. They do not make your computer perform any actions or make your computer send information to any other computer via the internet. The BARRETT and Sales Essentials make no attempt to associate cookies with users' names or identities. Our server cannot find out your name or email address, or anything about your computer, by using cookies.
Third party cookies
Some pages on the BARRETT and Sales Essentials websites may include cookies provided by a third party. These third parties use cookies to uniquely, yet anonymously, identify a browser. A unique number is attributed to a browser so that certain features can be implemented. These features ultimately benefit users.
This cookie may already have been sent to your computer by another site using the sames service or it may be sent when you use the BARRETT and Sales Essentials web page using this service. The third parties system may write a cookie to a user's browser the first time a user visits a website that uses this technology, and then accesses the cookie on every occasion in the future when that user interacts with a website using the same technology.
Managing cookies on your computer
Most browsers are set by default to accept cookies, however you can configure your computer to determine how you would prefer to interact with cookies across the internet. You may wish to set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie, giving you the chance to decide whether or not to allow each cookie on to your hard drive, or to block cookies altogether. However, if you decide to not accept cookies set by this web site, some of the BARRETT web pages may not display properly or you may not be permitted to access certain information.
You may also set your browser so that the cookies set by this web site are destroyed when your browser shuts down and no personal information is maintained which might identify you should you visit our web site at a later date. In this way, the persistent cookies set by this web site will effectively function as session cookies.
There are several techniques available for managing cookies in various browsers. Please see the help section of your browser. More information on cookies and internet privacy can be found on the Federal Privacy Commissioner's website.
Barrett Sales Blog